Media Type
Afterimage: Engagements with the Cinematic
An Alternative Map of the Universe
Beyond the Frame
Black Diaspora and Visual Art
Blue Skies
Coventry Biennial of Contemporary Art 2019
Crafting Intimacy and Play
Curating the International Diaspora
Diaspora Pavilion
Diaspora Pavilion 2
Diasporic Animateur Curatorial Fellow: Yewande YoYo Odunubi
Emergence(y) Curatorial Fellowships
Global Plantations Series
Guest Projects Digital 2021
Liberation Begins in the Imagination: Writings on Caribbean-British Art
Living Archives Podcast: Intergenerational Conversations Between Artists
Shifting the Centre
Systems Reclaimed
Thirteen Ways of Looking / NAWM x ICF Curator in Residence: Dr Sylvia Theuri
Latin America
Moving Image
116 results

Candice Nembhard and Orphée Kashala in Conversation, Epiphany (Temporaire) at Ikon Gallery

Candice Nembhard and Orphée Kashala in Conversation, Epiphany (Temporaire) at Ikon Galler...

Exodus Crooks and Orphée Kashala in Conversation, Epiphany (Temporaire) at Ikon Gallery

Exodus Crooks and Orphée Kashala in Conversation, Epiphany (Temporaire) at Ikon Gallery

Kashif Nadim Chaudry, Char Bagh Exhibition Tour, Diaspora Pavilion 2: London

Kashif Nadim Chaudry, Char Bagh Exhibition Tour, Diaspora Pavilion 2: London

Shifting the Centre: Anticolonial Ways of Seeing Exhibition Video

Shifting the Centre: Anticolonial Ways of Seeing Exhibition Video

Shifting the Centre: Grenada as Reference Exhibition Video

Shifting the Centre: Grenada as Reference Exhibition Video

Reckoning: Exodus Crooks and TITANESS aka Maria Joranko & Tiffany Wellington in Conversation (Transcript)

Reckoning: Exodus Crooks and TITANESS aka Maria Joranko & Tiffany Wellington in Conversati...

Reckoning: Exodus Crooks and TITANESS aka Maria Joranko & Tiffany Wellington in Conversation

Reckoning: Exodus Crooks and TITANESS aka Maria Joranko & Tiffany Wellington in Conversati...

Shifting the Centre: Anticolonial Ways of Seeing (Leaflet)

Shifting the Centre: Anticolonial Ways of Seeing (Leaflet)

Shifting the Centre: Grenada as Reference (Leaflet)

Shifting the Centre: Grenada as Reference (Leaflet)

Diaspora Pavilion 2: London (2023) Artists' Conversation, Sonia E Barrett & Kashif Nadim Chaudry

Diaspora Pavilion 2: London (2023) Artists' Conversation, Sonia E Barrett & Kashif Nadim C...

Living Archives Podcast Episode 6: Alberta Whittle and Sekai Machache
Living Archives Podcast Episode 6: Alberta Whittle and Sekai Machache

Sonia E Barrett and Richard Drayton: Diaspora Pavilion 2 Artist in Conversation

Sonia E Barrett and Richard Drayton: Diaspora Pavilion 2 Artist in Conversation

Living Archives Podcast Episode 5: Joy Gregory and Anthea Hamilton
Living Archives Podcast Episode 5: Joy Gregory and Anthea Hamilton

Living Archives Podcast Episode 4: Ajamu and Bernice Mulenga
Living Archives Podcast Episode 4: Ajamu and Bernice Mulenga

Living Archives Podcast Episode 3: Roshini Kempadoo and Jacob V Joyce
Living Archives Podcast Episode 3: Roshini Kempadoo and Jacob V Joyce

Living Archives Podcast Episode 2: Beverley Bennett & Marlene Smith
Living Archives Podcast Episode 2: Beverley Bennett & Marlene Smith

Living Archives Podcast Episode 1: Ingrid Pollard & Rudy Loewe
Living Archives Podcast Episode 1: Ingrid Pollard & Rudy Loewe

Hold the Door - Making space to collectively imagine Caribbean representation in mega exhibitions

Hold the Door - Making space to collectively imagine Caribbean representation in mega exhi...

Blue Skies: Jamila Johnson-Small & Giorgia Ohanesian Nardin - Some kind of magnetism

Blue Skies: Jamila Johnson-Small & Giorgia Ohanesian Nardin - Some kind of magnetism

Yewande YoYo Odunubi and Orsod Malik in Conversation

Yewande YoYo Odunubi and Orsod Malik in Conversation

John Lyons & Andrew Pierre Hart in Conversation (Transcript)

John Lyons & Andrew Pierre Hart in Conversation (Transcript)

John Lyons & Andrew Pierre Hart in Conversation