Haegue Yang
Haegue Yang creates installations that include photographic, video, and sculptural elements and are informed by her philosophical and political researchs. Responding to the places where she exhibits, Yang creates site-specific new work that incorporates both the architecture of the exhibition space and materials gathered from the region. Her highly refined and yet particular sense of materiality, combined with an elegant sense of space and atmosphere, contribute to her enveloping and resonant installations.
In 2022, Heague Yang was awarded the 13th Benesse Prize awarded to Singapore Biennale and in 2018, she was awarded the Wolfgang Hahn Prize by the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst, Museum Ludwig, Cologne.
Yang’s work has been presented in solo exhibition by the following institutions: Statens Museum for Kunst – SMK, Copenhagen (2022); Tate St Ives, St Ives (2020); Museum Of Modern Art, New York (2019); The Bass, Miami Beach (2019); South London Gallery (2019).
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