George Blacklock
George Blacklock is a painter, writer, and musician.
He was Dean of College at Wimbledon and Chelsea Colleges of Arts within the University of the Arts London. He held these roles for a period of ten years and is now retired (from September 2017). He has exhibited his artwork in a number of countries around the world, from Mongolia to Mexico, but most extensively in Europe and the USA. He has been represented by Flowers Galleries since 1996.
George has received various awards for his paintings from the Arts Council, the Greater London Arts Association and as a prize-winner at the John Moores contemporary painting competition. He has work in many collections including the Arts Council of Great Britain. He has written the illustrated book, Colour and Abstraction, which charts how colour was liberated from its former and traditional role as a pictorial element subservient to drawing, and how abstraction was consequently born and developed. This book also focuses on his own pictorial methodologies, demonstrating how these developed. He has extensive experience in all aspects of Art education at the highest levels, has a significant reputation as a painter, and commentator on art. He has worked with companies in the UK and USA on how pictorial decision making can positively influence clear thinking in the business world.
He is a musician within a band called Country Dirt (CD release, ‘Rodeo Free Europe’).