We are pleased to announce that ICF has received funding from Foyle Foundation, the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research, and Cockayne – Grants for the Arts: a donor advised fund held at The London Community Foundation towards our 2024/5 programme.
Vital funding from Foyle Foundation will support a new Research and Curatorial Fellowship for an emerging or early career UK-based Black or Brown researcher/curator with an interest in working on an exciting, new project addressing the legacy and contemporary relevance of Ten.8 Magazine. We will release the open call for this Fellowship in May 2024.
The Hutchins Center for African & African American Research has granted ICF funding towards the development of a new publication on Ten.8 Magazine, which will be developed by David A. Bailey, Derek Bishton and Darryl Georgiou to include a range of existing and new texts.
Cockayne – Grants for the Arts: a donor advised fund held at The London Community Foundation has awarded ICF a grant towards the commission of two new artworks from emerging UK-based artists of Caribbean heritage to be exhibited in London in 2025. These commissions form part of a multi-year, unfolding project ICF is leading titled The Caribbean and Britain, and we hope to launch an open call to artists to participate in Summer 2024.
This significant support, alongside essential core funding from Arts Council England and Garfield Weston Foundation, will enable us to start rolling out our exciting plans for 2024/5 with a range of strategic partners. We’ve got more ambitious plans in the works for this year and look forward to bringing these to life in the coming months.
In recent years ICF has received transformative funding from Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Art Fund, Henry Moore Foundation, Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and Creative Scotland.
We also accept donations from individuals. Every donation we receive goes directly towards delivering our programme of professional development initiatives, exhibitions, events and workshops designed to respond to the needs of and contexts impacting creative practitioners underrepresented in our industry. You can support our work here.