
Introducing our Artists’ Legacies in the Museum Toolkit Consultants – There is an Alternative (tialt)
tialt is a social enterprise working in the UK and Europe striving to create trusting, informed, critical spaces for arts and cultural organisations, artists, and their funders to reflect on and improve their work.
“We began tialt based on our personal and professional experience that artistic practice and social research methods need to be brought closer together in the evaluation of cultural programmes and interventions. To achieve this, we design a range of creative, inclusive research methods that we develop further in applied settings with clients. Seeking to develop a community of practice and encourage more funding bodies, cultural organisations, practitioners and participants to think about how they can collect and use evaluation information in more humanising ways. We put care, trust and respect at the forefront of our approach at all levels and seek to work with clients and projects who share our aspirations and values.”
Claire Sivier, tialt Co-director, is an experienced arts-based researcher, producer, and facilitator from London working mainly with artists, young people and those from marginalised communities, delivering a range of festivals and cultural programmes in the UK and internationally.
Fernanda Zotovici, tialt artistic collaborator & researcher, is an artist, architect, designer and visual researcher specialising in arts-based research practice and participatory methodologies.
Dr Douglas Lonie, tialt Co-director, is a social psychologist with over 15 years’ experience researching the impacts of arts participation on individuals and communities.
Artists’ Legacies in the Museum was developed by Art360 Foundation to engage museum curatorial teams with the archives of Vanley Burke, Donald Rodney and Maud Sulter, to help recalibrate how institutions collect, share and preserve contemporary art and cultural heritage for future generations.
The project focuses on the development of architectures of transparency – operational structures that encourage collaborative working dynamics, thoughtful interpretation, cultural competence and humility, dialogue and action. It aims to create foundational guidelines which help museums give agency and presence to artists and curators as a central part of their working practice.
ALitM is supported by Art Fund.