Irit Rogoff
Irit Rogoff is a writer, educator, curator and organiser. She is Professor of Visual Culture at Goldsmiths, University of London, a department she founded in 2002. Rogoff works at the meeting ground between contemporary practices, politics and philosophy. Her current work is on new practices of knowledge production and their impact on modes of research, under the title of Becoming Research (forthcoming). As part of the collective freethought Rogoff was one of the artistic directors of the Norwegian Triennial The Bergen Assembly September, 2016 and editor of The Infrastructural Condition published in its wake. Rogoff is also co-founder in 2017 of “The European Forum for Advanced Practices”, a Europe-wide forum for engaging with and developing a set of principles for Advanced, Practice Driven form of Research. In 2019 Rogoff received an honorary doctorate from Aalto University in recognition of her work in developing and instituting the field of Visual Culture.